Calvin We have so many good memories of times spent with you, Eva and your mum & dad it’s almost impossible to capture them. You always gave us a good laugh. We think of the time you put your wellie deep into the newly laid cement and all we could do was run from the scene of the crime. Or the time you scooted into the caravan and left a dent and what did we do? We ran from the scene of the crime. And we never really knew your part when shortly after that Emily broke her arm but we know when you tried to do jumps over the ramp at the caravan site you were definitely responsible for breaking your own arm! Imogen will never forgive you for leaving her to complete the golfing lessons with the professionals. We should have spotted early on that sport would be your thing when you protested bitterly about us wanting to eat the chocolate footballs on the birthday cake. But it was rugby that always showed us where your true allegiance lay. Half Irish we always thought of you but there wasn’t an ounce of Irish blood when it came to international rivalry between Scotland and Ireland. It may be that our memories are playing us tricks but we’re pretty sure we gloated more times that you over who won those Six Nations derbies. We laugh as we think of your very dodgy attempts at a Belfast accent. You should definitely have done better with such good raw material available to you! To Lisa and Alastair you were our favourite nephew, to the girls their favourite boy cousin but to be fair there wasn’t much competition as the only boy out of 10 cousins. To Emily you were like a younger brother she never had, to Imogen a great pal, and to Bronwyn that older brother who always had time for her. Calvin, your departure has shocked us to the core and left such a great hole in our family and we do and will continue to miss you greatly. You’ve been such a good friend to all of the girls. The greatest price to be paid when loving is losing - that’s a price we’re now paying and it hurts sorely. You’ll always be in our thoughts and memories. Alastair, Lisa, Emily, Imogen & Bronwyn